Tantra Massage Las Vegas
is now Sensual Tantra Las Vegas
Erotic Tantra Bodywork sessions in Las Vegas for men, women or couples. Available incall or outcall in-room.
A Luxurious Experience
Get a reliable, experienced and trustworthy independent sensual tantra session with Sensual Tantra Las Vegas; If you’re a man, woman, or couple wanting a tantra massage, consider a sensual tantra session. Your tantra session can be incall or outcall in-room at your place or hotel.
Let your sensual tantra bodyworker guide you to deeply personal experience into relaxation, pleasure and overall mental and physical well-being. Whether you’re a man, woman, or couple, I can refer you to a sensual tantra bodywork person that can fulfill your needs.

Sensual Tantra Session For Women
A session for profound relaxation. Your session with deeply relaxing, sensual and therapeutic touch will deepen your connection to your body and unblock energy.
Sensual Tantra For Men
Honoring the divine masculine within, a tantrika will open up your energy pathways with a deeply relaxing tantric touch.
Sensual Tantra For Couples
Have a shared tantra experience with your partner. Your session is completely customizable to your particular dynamic so here’s your opportunity to let your fantasies run wild.

Tantra Massage Las Vegas | How it Works
Simply message me in the contact form below and I’ll recommend a sensual tantra provider based on what you’re looking for and who’s available. You can also provide your number in the form if you want me to text you instead.
The tantra bodyworker I refer to you is completely independent and has no affiliation to Tantra Massage Las Vegas or Sensual Tantra Las Vegas. They have their own new client intake policies, styles, methods, privacy policies, programs and rates. etc. So make sure you communicate with them thoroughly to do your own due diligence. Check their website and social medias to ensure they’re a good fit for what you’re looking for. You are solely responsible for what engagements and arrangements you have with them.
The recommended donation amount is dependent on timing, season and demand and is strictly in exchange for the time and spiritual and emotional guidance your sensual tantra person offers. While the session is sensual and energetic healing, it’s not sex work or any form of sexual exchange for pay which violate Nevada laws. Any activities outside of the arranged experience/session are not part of the agreed donation amount and are decisions between consenting adults and is not part of any monetary exchange.
Depending on the provider, they might ask for a small deposit. This is okay and you should expect this. This is to know that you’re serious about your session and not just wasting the tantra provider’s time or worse a “fantasy booker” (they exist). Every one I recommend is reliable and trustworthy and you never have to worry about losing your deposit if you cancel outside of the cancellation window. And, your deposit counts towards your session.
Very Important Legal Disclaimer
Please Read (For Your Safety): Tantra Massage Las Vegas and Sensual Tantra Las Vegas is an entertainment website and does not offer any services, only referrals to independent providers.
Tantra bodywork is distinct from conventional massage therapy and does not fall under the same regulatory frameworks that govern licensed massage therapy (LMT).
Tantra bodywork mentioned in Tantra Massage Las Vegas and Sensual Tantra Las Vegas focuses on spiritual, emotional, and sensual healing and is not intended to replace medical treatment or physical therapy provided by a licensed professional. Tantra bodywork sessions are designed to complement overall wellness and personal development through the art of tantra, which is a holistic approach involving energy work, meditation, and conscious touch.
It is important for clients to understand that because professionals we refer may not be licensed massage therapists, they do not offer services that require a massage therapy license as per Nevada state regulations. The sessions are strictly therapeutic and educational in nature, aimed at enhancing personal and spiritual growth, and do not involve any form of medical or therapeutic massage as defined by state law.
We are committed to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and discretion, ensuring that all interactions and services provided are respectful, consensual, and in full compliance with the laws of Nevada.
Tantra Massage Las Vegas and Sensual Tantra Las Vegas is not a prostitute or escort. The Solomon Tantra, Sensual Tantra Las Vegas and Tantra Massage Las Vegas /FBSM sessions mentioned are very sensual and extremely relaxing but not acts that violate the laws of Nevada. We are strictly against breaking any laws. We only offer referrals to third-party independent providers with their own businesses completely separate from us and with their own privacy policies. You take total and complete responsibility on what agreements you have with them.
As Featured On

Your Sensual Tantra Bodywork person can travel outcall to your place or in-room to your hotel. They might also have an incall location you can go to.
They’re able to travel to anywhere you are in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Summerlin, Spring Valley or even Boulder City.
There’s also options to fly him or her to your city if you’re out of town so you don’ have to leave the comfort of your own home. You’d just take care of their travel expenses.
Book A Session Or Ask A Question
Your sensual tantra bodywork experience is just a contact form away.